Please be aware that if you choose a delivery address that is out of our delivery area, your order will be passed to another florist to deliver. If you have any queries about your order and delivery, please call the shop.
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For the freshest flowers and reliable local flower delivery in and around Belfast, Victoria Gault has everything you may need. Take a look at our huge selection of floral bouquets, arrangements and gifts to make your next occasion memorable.
For the best and freshest flowers in Belfast, Victoria Gault has exactly what you’re looking for! Check out our wide selection of flower arrangements to make your next occasion memorable. At Victoria Gault our team is small but our passion and commitment to our shop and trade makes us stand out. For the best and freshest flowers in Belfast, Victoria Gault.
24 Queens Arcade
Belfast, Belfast BT1 5FF
02890 244 746
© Interflora British Unit All Rights Reserved.